DHHS wants you to be afraid to let your children play outside. Taking on 'free-range' parenting; ie. Criminalizing Parents For Letting Kids Play Outside
Mayor Robert McDonald from Lewiston: ‘Name and shame’ welfare recipients so special needs kids will stay out my stateAs the parent of a special needs kid, who has gone through all the hell of dealing with public schools, special education, physical restraints, social workers, IEP's, complaints against top administrators, cover-ups of child abuse, falsified documents, arm twisting and threats to report me to DHHS for refusing to drug her on several different pills and as retaliation for complaining about an incident where my daughter had to be checked for a concussion, etc, I gotta ask where this idiot gets his information? There is nothing great about any special education system in Maine. Especially Lewiston's.
More >> http://www.maineparents.org/2015/09/mayor-robert-mcdonald-from-lewiston.html_ |